Three teens admitted to beating at least fifty homeless people for sport, prior to killing...
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This is the heartbreaking story of a family of six shot in Houston by a deranged brother-in-law. The lone survivor is a fifteen-year-old girl that says that her family is in a better place. So...
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In a New York City apartment a daughter with mental issues slept next to her mother’s dead, decomposing body for three years. She also dressed up her body and placed her at the dinner table at meal...
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Police in Washington State said the teenager was found at a mall in Oregon. When she went missing she left a note letting her parents know that if they were reading this that she was dead or all used up. It is currently an open human trafficking investigation. Many traffickers lure victims...
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She actually rode the horse into the store! The police say additional charges will...
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New Orleans is not the only place where crime is getting out of control. It seems Chicago is having similar...
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According to authorities he was sexting several women in the early morning hours. He had recently researched how children die in the car, how to live a child free life, and how to survive in...
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